What is ChatGPT and what is it capable of?

ChatGPT is a trained model that can interact with its users in a conversational way. It can respond to follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers. Its rapid rise in popularity is largely due to its ability to offer personalized guidance that trumps the generic results of traditional search engines. This tailored approach has ensured people keep returning despite its shortcomings.

In this video, Rob Miles discusses his views on what ChatGPT actually does….

In this lessWrong post,

How about other large language models?

Other large language models such as Microsoft’s Bing Chat and Anthropic’s Claude suffer from similar limitations although the latter is optimized to attempt to be Helpful, Honest and Harmless (HHH).